Data and Software

Hydrological modelling in soil constructions of Zaryadye park

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Hydrological modelling in soil constructions of Zaryadye park»

Date: February 26, 2025 

Location: Microsoft Teams

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar:  


About the event:

On February 26, 2025, the scientific center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the context of global changes» of ATI RUDN University will organize an international scientific seminar «Hydrological modelling in soil constructions of Zaryadye park». The event will be held in a mixed format on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language is Russian.

Zaryadye Park, which opened in Moscow in 2017, is a unique project in the field of landscape design, combining many modern technologies for creating and maintaining urban green infrastructure. The park contains areas that reproduce ecosystems of different climatic zones of Russia. All this makes Zaryadye an interesting object for research from the point of view of physical and biological processes occurring in the soil.

During the seminar, the results of research conducted on the territory of Zaryadye Park in the fields of soil science, hydrology and soil biology will be presented and discussed.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«Chemical and biological properties of soil structures in landscapes similar to Zaryadye Park» 

Ekaterina Kozlova, Junior Researcher at the Center “SUN Lab” ATI RUDN University; Vladimir Myazin, ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Technosphere Safety, ATI RUDN University; Artyom Losev, Junior Researcher at the Center “SUN Lab” ATI RUDN University.

18.00 – 18.30

«Monitoring and modeling of surface runoff and water balance of soil structures in Zaryadye Park – first results and prospects» 

Vyacheslav Vasenev, ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Design, ATI RUDN University; Andrey Smagin, Leading Researcher at the Center “SUN Lab” ATI RUDN University

18.30 – 19.00



Data and Software

Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development»

Date: February 12, 2025 

Location: Microsoft Teams

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar: 

About the event:

On February 12, 2025, the scientific center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the context of global changes» of ATI RUDN University will organize an international scientific seminar «Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development». The event will be held in a mixed format on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language is Russian.

Modern cities face many environmental and social challenges, including pollution, climate change, and resource inefficiency. With the rapid growth of urbanization, the use of artificial intelligence technologies to solve such problems is becoming especially relevant. 

The seminar will consider cases of applying artificial intelligence methods in the context of monitoring the urban environment.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development» 

Alexander Vikulov, senior lecturer at Bauman Moscow State Technical Univercity

18.00 – 18.30

«Intelligent development of the air quality monitoring system and statistical enhancement of environmental monitoring mapping» 

Naim Rezaian, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Faculty of Artificial Intelligence, RUDN University, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence

18.30 – 19.00


Data and Software Events Research Seminars

ESG consulting: relevance of the agenda, analytics and prospects

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «ESG consulting: relevance of the agenda, analytics and prospects»

Date: November 27, 2024 

Location: Microsoft Teams

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar: 


About the event:

On November 27, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organizes an international scientific seminar «ESG consulting: relevance of the agenda, analytics and prospects». The event will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language is Russian.

ESG (E – environment, ecology; S – social, social policy; G – governance, corporate governance) is a set of principles for doing business that correspond to the general philosophy of sustainable development. Speakers will present an overview of the transformation of the sustainable development concept into the concept of ESG and social responsibility, problems and prospects for disclosing non-financial reporting, taking into account changes in international requirements.

In 2018, the president signed a decree “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.” In 2021, the government issued a decree “On approval of the goals and main directions of sustainable (including green) development of the Russian Federation” and a decree “On approval of criteria for sustainable (including green) development projects in Russia and requirements for the verification system of financing instruments for sustainable development in the Russian Federation.”” Thus, these three letters E, S and G largely determine the development vector of companies, cities and regions. How exactly this happens in practice will be discussed at the seminar.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«Review of the social component application within the framework of ESG, prospects in the Russia, implemented cases»

Anna Romachevskaya, senior consultant at Ensor Management Consultants

18.00 – 18.30

«Assessment of water services companies based on ESG metrics. Analytical research with INFRAGRIN»

Galina Elagina, laboratory assistant SunLab, ATI, RUDN University, certified Green Project Manager, Assessor of GPM Awards Russia 2024

18.30– 19.30


Data and Software Ecosystem Services Events Research Seminars

Monitoring, modeling and managing of urban soil and green infrastructure (3MUGIS)

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Urban soils – a challenge for geophysics: geophysical study on soils at the RUDN campus»

Date: July 1-6, 2024 

Location: RUDN Univerity 

About the event:
From July 1 to July 6, 2024, the scientific center “ Smart Urban Nature research center” ATI RUDN University organized an international scientific seminar “Monitoring, modeling and management of urban soils and green
infrastructure.”. The event was held in a mixed format. Working language – Russian, English.

The international scientific seminar was devoted to the study of environmental, anthropogenic, social and other processes of urbanization and their impact on soil functions. Participants learned about new approaches in environmental monitoring and modeling of urban ecosystems, studied the biochemistry of urban soils and plantings, examined issues of ecosystem services and urban climate, and also became acquainted with technical innovations in studying the urban soundscape.

Event program:
July 1, 2024
16.00 – 16.30
Gorbov Sergey, SFU
«Sustainable development and functionality of urban lawns»

16.30 – 17.00
Klimanova Oksana, MSU
«Green-blue infrastructures in urban planning: a landscape scientist perspective»
July 2, 2024

16.00 – 16.30
Zarov Evgeniy, Yugra State University
«Monitoring and modeling C balance in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems»

16.30 – 17.00
Ushakova Natalia, Department of Regional Development of the Russian Ecological Society
«Soil quality standardization»

July 3, 2024 16.00 – 16.30
Zenkova Irina, Institute of Problems of Industrial Ecology of the North of the Russian Academy of Sciences
«Soil macrofauna of urban ecosystems»

16.30 – 17.00
Valentini Riccardo (UNITUS, RUDN)
«Real-time monitoring of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructure»
Discussion July 4, 2024 16.00 – 16.30
Kapelkina Ludmila, St. Petersburg Center for Environmental Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
«Ecological and geochemical assessment of gardens and parks of St. Petersburg»

16.30 – 17.00
Сhernokulsky Aleksander, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics «Climate change risks, mitigation and adaptation in urban perspective»

July 5, 2024
16.00 – 16.30
Ignatieva Maria, The University of Western Australia «Low impact design and biodiversity»

16.30 – 17.00
Dushkova Diana, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
«Not simply green: nature-based solutions as a concept and practical approach to building resilient and sustainable future»


July 6, 2024

16.00 – 16.30
Kuzyakov Yakov, Georg-August University Goettingen/ RUDN «Soil capacity for C sequestration»



Data and Software Research Seminars

A tremendous green roof or biodiversity museum? First outcomes from soil survey in Zaryadye park

International Scientific Seminar



On March 13, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organizes an international scientific seminar «A tremendous green roof or biodiversity museum? First outcomes from soil survey in Zaryadye park». The event will be held offline in room 423 ATI RUDN. The working language is Russian.

During the seminar first results of soil survey for different landscape zones of Zaryadye park will be presented.


Event program:


17.30 – 18.00

«Spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of soil constructions’ agrochemical properties in Zaryadye park»

Vasenev V. I., Ph.D, Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN,


18.00– 18.30

«Structure and functional activity of soil microbial communities in landscape zones of Zaryadye park (2-year monitoring results»

Kozlova E.V. Ph.D., Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN



Climate Data and Software Ecosystem Services Ecosystems Green Infrastructure Science Soils

SUN Lab presented the results of the third year of the SUN project

SUN Lab presented the results of the third year of the project “Smart technologies to monitor, model and evaluate ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructure and soils to support decision making in sustainable city development under global changes”, supported by a Russian Science Foundation (RSF).

Research in the third year of the project was focused on 3 main objectives:

  1. monitoring of ecosystem services of urban green infrastructure based on the Smart Urban Nature network;
  2. interpretation of monitoring data for ecosystem services for various target groups and practical tasks;
  3. application of the results of monitoring and modeling ecosystem services to support decision-making in the field of sustainable development of the urban environment.
Collaboration Data and Software Ecosystems Events Research Seminars

Smart Urban Nature portal concept: in search of ideas and solutions

Last Saturday, the SUN Lab team held the first strategy session in the format of a team brainstorming session.

We discussed the concept of the Smart Urban Nature portal. This is a portal that will allow us to collect, analyze, deliver and present information about the state of urban ecosystems. Such a multifunctional open-access platform, in our opinion, will be a useful tool for different categories of users. During our session we tried to identifine these categories.

Data and Software Ecosystems Green Infrastructure

SUN Lab celebrates the International Day of Forests by setting up TreeTalkers in Rostov-on-Don

When we drink a glass of water, write in a notebook, take medicine for a fever or build a house, we do not always make the connection with forests. And yet, these and many other aspects of our lives are linked to forests in one way or another.

Forest sustainable management and their use of resources are key to combating climate change, and to contributing to the prosperity and well-being of current and future generations. Forests also play a crucial role in poverty alleviation and in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet despite all of these priceless ecological, economic, social and health benefits, global deforestation continues at an alarming rate.

Collaboration Data and Software Ecosystems Green Infrastructure Research Seminars Science

International Scientific Seminar “Monitoring of Urban Green Infrastructure”

SUN Lab of RUDN University invites to the international scientific seminar “Monitoring of urban green infrastructure”, which will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform on September 30. The meeting starts at 15:30 Moscow time. The working language is English.

The seminar will focus on several issues in the field of monitoring of urban green infrastructure using IoT technologies. Experts and participants will discuss such topics as express methods for assessing the physiological state of green infrastructure, the influence of environmental factors on the state of plants, timely diagnosis of plant diseases and the development of methods for plant protection.

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