Data and Software

Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development»

Date: February 12, 2025 

Location: Microsoft Teams

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar: 

About the event:

On February 12, 2025, the scientific center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the context of global changes» of ATI RUDN University will organize an international scientific seminar «Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development». The event will be held in a mixed format on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language is Russian.

Modern cities face many environmental and social challenges, including pollution, climate change, and resource inefficiency. With the rapid growth of urbanization, the use of artificial intelligence technologies to solve such problems is becoming especially relevant. 

The seminar will consider cases of applying artificial intelligence methods in the context of monitoring the urban environment.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«Artificial intelligence for urban sustainable development» 

Alexander Vikulov, senior lecturer at Bauman Moscow State Technical Univercity

18.00 – 18.30

«Intelligent development of the air quality monitoring system and statistical enhancement of environmental monitoring mapping» 

Naim Rezaian, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Faculty of Artificial Intelligence, RUDN University, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence

18.30 – 19.00


Green Infrastructure Research Seminars

Green infrastructure and sustainable development

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Green infrastructure and sustainable development»

Date: December 25, 2024 

Location: Microsoft Teams

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar: 


About the event:

On December 25, 2024, the scientific center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the context of global changes» of ATI RUDN University will organize an international scientific seminar «Green infrastructure and sustainable development». The event will be held in a mixed format on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language is Russian.

Urban green infrastructure is one of the most important elements of urban infrastructure, which affects the well-being of the environment in the city, the psychological and physiological health of citizens, public opinion and much more. At the same time, urban green infrastructure is extremely complex and multifaceted, since its functioning and maintenance affects a large number of actors: from individual city residents to large businesses and city authorities.

Moreover, in the context of global changes, urban green infrastructure can become an important factor in the adaptation of cities to various changes and new challenges facing society and managers.

 All this makes urban green infrastructure an important and complex object of study from the point of view of various sciences: ecology, biology, geography, sociology, urban studies and many others. The seminar will consider several views on the study of urban green infrastructure, modern challenges and prospects in this direction.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«Ecosystem services of urban lawns on the example of the Tyoply Stan district of Moscow» 

Gleb Babich, 2-nd year PhD student, SUN Lab research intern

18.00 – 18.30

«Changes in the composition of oil hydrocarbons under the influence of microbiota of coastal substrates in different climatic zones (Barents, Baltic and Caspian seas)» 

Murzaeva Milana Shotaevna, Assistant of the Technosphere Safety Department, Deputy Director of the Center for Additional Professional Education at ATI RUDN

18.30 – 19.00

«Revitalization of the urban area for the creation of sustainable agricultural landscapes on the example of Moscow» 

Daniil Taksheev, 1-st year PhD student

19.00 – 19.30


Data and Software Events Research Seminars

ESG consulting: relevance of the agenda, analytics and prospects

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «ESG consulting: relevance of the agenda, analytics and prospects»

Date: November 27, 2024 

Location: Microsoft Teams

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar: 


About the event:

On November 27, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organizes an international scientific seminar «ESG consulting: relevance of the agenda, analytics and prospects». The event will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language is Russian.

ESG (E – environment, ecology; S – social, social policy; G – governance, corporate governance) is a set of principles for doing business that correspond to the general philosophy of sustainable development. Speakers will present an overview of the transformation of the sustainable development concept into the concept of ESG and social responsibility, problems and prospects for disclosing non-financial reporting, taking into account changes in international requirements.

In 2018, the president signed a decree “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.” In 2021, the government issued a decree “On approval of the goals and main directions of sustainable (including green) development of the Russian Federation” and a decree “On approval of criteria for sustainable (including green) development projects in Russia and requirements for the verification system of financing instruments for sustainable development in the Russian Federation.”” Thus, these three letters E, S and G largely determine the development vector of companies, cities and regions. How exactly this happens in practice will be discussed at the seminar.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«Review of the social component application within the framework of ESG, prospects in the Russia, implemented cases»

Anna Romachevskaya, senior consultant at Ensor Management Consultants

18.00 – 18.30

«Assessment of water services companies based on ESG metrics. Analytical research with INFRAGRIN»

Galina Elagina, laboratory assistant SunLab, ATI, RUDN University, certified Green Project Manager, Assessor of GPM Awards Russia 2024

18.30– 19.30


Research Seminars

Microbial properties and ecological functions of mountain soil

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Microbial properties and ecological functions of mountain soil»

Date: November 13, 2024 

Location: Microsoft Teams platform

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar: 


About the event:

On November 13, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organizes an international scientific seminar «Microbial properties and ecological functions of mountain soil». The event will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform and off-line in Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN. The working language is Russian.

The seminar will discuss the consequences of global warming on soil processes related to C, N, P cycling in mountain ecosystems. As a result of climate warming, there is a shift from the mountain forest belt to subalpine meadows, which affects the structure of their plant community and soil processes. Soil microorganisms play a key role in these processes, participating in the decomposition of organic matter and the cycling of biophilic elements. The seminar will consider possible scenarios for changes in the ecological C:N:P stoichiometry in the plant biomass, in the soil pool, in the microbial biomass, and their relationship with the functioning of the soil microbial community under tree line shift for reserved and grazed mountain slopes.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.30

«C:N:P stoichiometry and microbial activity of soils at the tree line shift to subalpine grasslands of reserved and grazed mountain slopes in the Northwest Caucasus»

Kristina Ivashenko, ph.D,  head Laboratory of Carbon Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Federal Research Center “Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences” 


18.30– 19.30


Research Seminars

Ecosystem services of urban GI in arid and semi-arid regions

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Ecosystem services of urban lawns»

Date: October 30, 2024

Location: Yandex Telemost

Contact person: Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar:  

About the event:

On October 30, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organizes an international scientific seminar «Ecosystem services of urban GI in arid and semi-arid regions». The event will be held on the Yandex Telemost platform and off-line in Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN. The working language is Russian.

In urban environments, anthropogenic impact significantly influences the components of urban ecosystems, particularly the soil cover. This seminar is aimed at presenting information on the evolution pathways of urban soils under the influence of urbopedogenesis in the southern European part of Russia.

The presentations will cover a wide range of topics, including the morphological transformation processes of both natural and anthropogenically altered soils, as well as the accumulation of organic and inorganic carbon forms within the soil profile. Issues related to the influence of plant formations on the changes in the morphological and chemical properties of the region’s zonal soils— Calcic Chernozems —will also be addressed.

Additionally, the seminar will present information on the specifics of pollutant migration in the “soil-plant” system under the influence of urbopedogenesis, highlighting the importance of urban green infrastructure in mitigating the negative effects of urban ecosystem degradation.

Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«Soils of the Rostov Agglomeration. Transformation Pathways and Functional Specificities»

Sergey Nikolaevich Gorbov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Botany, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University.

18.00 – 18.30

«Accumulation Characteristics and Profile Distribution of Carbon in the Soils of the Rostov Agglomeration»

Pavel Nikolaevich Skripnikov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Junior Researcher at the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University

18.30 – 19.00

«The Influence of Plant Formation Types on the Bulk Composition of Soils in the Rostov Agglomeration»

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Salnik, Junior Researcher at the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University

19.00– 19.30


Research Seminars

Digital twin and open lab

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Digital twin and open lab»

Date: October 16, 2024

Location: Yandex.Telemost

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar:


About the event:

On October 16, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organizes an international scientific seminar «Digital twin and open lab». The event will be held on the Yandex.Telemost platform. The working language is Russian.

The paper discusses the concept of digital twins of social-ecological systems and its application for monitoring, analyzing and managing ecological processes. The main focus is on the monitoring system and sensor development, the use of digital technologies and algorithms to create data collection, storage and analysis to reproduce models of interaction between social and ecological components of the system. The advantages and limitations of using digital twins are discussed, as well as possible directions of their development and integration with existing environmental monitoring and management systems. Open laboratories in the context of model testing, verification and validation are also discussed.


Event program:

17.30 – 19.00

«Digital twin and open lab»

Matasov Victor Mikhailovich, Ph.D., Alexander Vikulov, research assistant in SUN lab


19.00– 19.30


Data and Software Ecosystem Services Events Research Seminars

Monitoring, modeling and managing of urban soil and green infrastructure (3MUGIS)

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Urban soils – a challenge for geophysics: geophysical study on soils at the RUDN campus»

Date: July 1-6, 2024 

Location: RUDN Univerity 

About the event:
From July 1 to July 6, 2024, the scientific center “ Smart Urban Nature research center” ATI RUDN University organized an international scientific seminar “Monitoring, modeling and management of urban soils and green
infrastructure.”. The event was held in a mixed format. Working language – Russian, English.

The international scientific seminar was devoted to the study of environmental, anthropogenic, social and other processes of urbanization and their impact on soil functions. Participants learned about new approaches in environmental monitoring and modeling of urban ecosystems, studied the biochemistry of urban soils and plantings, examined issues of ecosystem services and urban climate, and also became acquainted with technical innovations in studying the urban soundscape.

Event program:
July 1, 2024
16.00 – 16.30
Gorbov Sergey, SFU
«Sustainable development and functionality of urban lawns»

16.30 – 17.00
Klimanova Oksana, MSU
«Green-blue infrastructures in urban planning: a landscape scientist perspective»
July 2, 2024

16.00 – 16.30
Zarov Evgeniy, Yugra State University
«Monitoring and modeling C balance in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems»

16.30 – 17.00
Ushakova Natalia, Department of Regional Development of the Russian Ecological Society
«Soil quality standardization»

July 3, 2024 16.00 – 16.30
Zenkova Irina, Institute of Problems of Industrial Ecology of the North of the Russian Academy of Sciences
«Soil macrofauna of urban ecosystems»

16.30 – 17.00
Valentini Riccardo (UNITUS, RUDN)
«Real-time monitoring of ecosystem services provided by urban green infrastructure»
Discussion July 4, 2024 16.00 – 16.30
Kapelkina Ludmila, St. Petersburg Center for Environmental Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
«Ecological and geochemical assessment of gardens and parks of St. Petersburg»

16.30 – 17.00
Сhernokulsky Aleksander, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics «Climate change risks, mitigation and adaptation in urban perspective»

July 5, 2024
16.00 – 16.30
Ignatieva Maria, The University of Western Australia «Low impact design and biodiversity»

16.30 – 17.00
Dushkova Diana, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
«Not simply green: nature-based solutions as a concept and practical approach to building resilient and sustainable future»


July 6, 2024

16.00 – 16.30
Kuzyakov Yakov, Georg-August University Goettingen/ RUDN «Soil capacity for C sequestration»



Research Seminars

Urban soils – a challenge for geophysics: geophysical study on soils at the RUDN campus

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Urban soils – a challenge for geophysics: geophysical study on soils at the RUDN campus»

Date: June 4, 2024 

Location: Microsoft Teams; RUDN Univerity 

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar: 


About the event:

On June 4, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organized an international scientific seminar «Urban soils – a challenge for geophysics: geophysical study on soils at the RUDN campus». The event was held on the Microsoft Teams platform and off-line in Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN. The working language was Russian.

Geophysical methods of studying soils are used to isolate soil horizons, trace them in space, and in monitoring mode allow us to conclude about the distribution of moisture in the soil. However, urban soils have a number of features that complicate the interpretation of geophysics data. These are the weak contrast of soil horizons in terms of physical properties, and specific man-made soils and the presence of engineering communications.

In 2023-2024, monitoring studies using electrotomography, georadiolocation and induction electrical profiling were conducted at the RUDN campus. Geophysics was accompanied by drilling wells with sampling for moisture analysis and granulometry. The results we have obtained allow us to carefully assume what is complicated and how the urban lawn functions, but at the same time they raise many questions.


Event program:

17.30 – 19.00

«Urban soils – a challenge for geophysics: geophysical study on soils at the RUDN campus»

Bricheva Svetlana, Ph.D, Moscow State University, department of geology; Matasov Victor, Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN; Yurchenko Alexander Ph.D student, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences.


19.00– 19.30


Ecosystem Services Research Seminars

Ecosystem services of urban lawns

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Ecosystem services of urban lawns»

Date: September 24, 2024

Location: Yandex Telemost; RUDN Univerity (hall 423)

Contact person:  Babich Gleb Olegovich,

The links to the Seminar:


About the event:

On September 24, 2024 the Research center «Smart technologies for sustainable development of the urban environment in the global change» Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University organizes an international scientific seminar «Ecosystem services of urban lawns». The event will be held on the Yandex Telemost platform and off-line in Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN. The working language is Russian.

Urban water-green infrastructure is a new but actively developing direction in ecology and urban planning around the World. Despite the popularity of the technology in the USA, Europe and China, the introduction of water-green technologies in Russia began in the last decade. One of the main limitations for the widespread dissemination of water-green solutions in Russian cities is the need to adapt technologies taking into account the climatic and regulatory conditions for the design, creation and maintenance of urban green infrastructure, as well as the lack of convincing evidence of their effectiveness in domestic practice.


Event program:

16.30 – 17.15

«Local solutions for urban water and green infrastructure for the removal and treatment of surface runoff»

Olga Romzaikina, Ph.D, head of the laboratory, head of the landscape planning department of SUNlab.

17.15 – 17.45

«Ecosystem services of urban lawns. Review of theory and practice»

Gleb Babich, 2nd-year PhD student, Agrarian and Technological Department RUDN

17.45– 18.00


Research Seminars

New directions in cleaning up polluted territories and water areas of the North

International Scientific Seminar

Organizer: Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Smart Urban Nature research center, Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University

Area: Science, Education, International cooperation

Subarea: Ecology and nature management

Format: Seminar

Type: International

Title: «Remediation»

Date: April 24, 2024

Location: Microsoft Teams

Contact person:  Murzaeva Milana Shotaevna,

The links to the Seminar:


About the event:

On April 24, 2024, the scientific center “Smart Technologies for sustainable Urban Development in the context of global changes” ATI RUDN will organize an international scientific seminar “New directions in cleaning polluted territories and waters of the North”. The event will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language is Russian.

The seminar will consider various ways to clean up polluted territories and waters of the North, as well as the possibilities of using various monitoring methods.


Event program:

17.30 – 18.00

«The use of sorption materials for the elimination of accidental oil and petroleum product spills in Arctic conditions»

Vasilyeva Zh.V.–  Ph.D, Head of the Department of Ecology and Technosphere Safety of Murmansk Arctic University, Head of the scientific research Laboratory “Environmental Engineering and Monitoring of Arctic pollution”.


18.00– 18.30

«Epiphytic microorganisms of algae of the Barents Sea in conditions of oil pollution and their biotechnological potential»

Pugovkin D.V.  – Ph.D, Senior researcher at the Laboratory of Algology of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


18.30 – 19.30

«Layered silicates as the basis of nature-like technologies for accelerated restoration of disturbed ecosystems»

Slukovskaya M.V. – Ph.D, Senior researcher at the Laboratory of Nature–like Technologies and Technosphere Safety of the Arctic at the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.




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