Smart Urban Tree
Urban trees are exposed to essential anthropogenic pressures which directly and indirectly affect tree health and vitality. Tree health parameters are highly variable in space and time. Smart Urban Tree technology aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of tree physiological functioning and vertical stability remotely and in real time. The technology is based on the Tree Talker (TT) – a new device capable of measuring sap flow, spectral characteristics, diametral growth, microclimatic characteristics and oscillation. The TT is equipped with a LoRa chipset for wireless data transmission to a TT-Cloud router, serving up to 20 devices in one cluster with an hourly frequency. Data from TT-Cloud is transmitted to a remote computer server via GPRS connection and is further available via web-software. Both TT and TT-Cloud are equipped with 4 Li-Ion batteries and a solar panel each, which allows for an autonomous performance for 2-8 weeks depending on the climatic condition
Implementation sphere
Implementation cases
To read about
IoT Monitoring of Urban Tree Ecosystem Services: Possibilities and Challenges
Forests 2020, 11(7), 775
Matasov, V.; Belelli Marchesini, L.; Yaroslavtsev, A.; Sala, G.; Fareeva, O.; Seregin, I.; Castaldi, S.; Vasenev, V.; Valentini, R.
New tree monitoring systems: from Industry 4.0 to Nature 4.0
Annals of Silvicultural Research 43 (2), 2019: 84-88
Riccardo Valentini, Luca Belelli Marchesini, Damiano Gianelle, Giovanna Sala, Alexey Yarovslavtsev, Viacheslav Vasenev, Simona Castaldi